Good In Gaming

© 2023 Guardians Gold, All Rights Reserved

You want to make an impact, we have the tools to support your efforts


Keep your donors up to date on your fundraising schedule so they don't miss a moment

Cause incentives

Engage with a cause and fundraising events in new and unique ways and earn incentives for your fundraising efforts

Team fundraising

Create, support or join a team fundraiser to work together with friends, colleagues or supporters.

From analyzing fundraising activities to sharing secrets to fundraising success, learn how your organization can broaden your fundraising efforts in the digital fundraising space.


Get started quickly to support the cause you care about. Leverage our powerful tools to personalize any campaign for your community

Guardians Gold Impact to DATE with Compassion Intl

0 k
Total Revenue
0 k
People Impacted
0 k
Total Views
Homes Built
Computer Labs Built
Food Packs Given